Adding a 6mm Tele Vue Ethos Eyepiece to My Collection


As an astronomy enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for quality equipment to enhance my stargazing experience. Recently, I had the opportunity to purchase a second-hand 6mm Tele Vue Ethos eyepiece, and I couldn't be more thrilled. This blog post details my experience with this new addition to my collection.

The Purchase

On January 12, I found a great deal on a second-hand 6mm Tele Vue Ethos eyepiece. After confirming the details with the seller, I decided to make the purchase. The eyepiece was shipped promptly and arrived at my doorstep on January 15.

The Tele Vue 6mm Ethos eyepiece

First Impressions

Upon unboxing, I was pleased to see that the eyepiece was in excellent condition. It looked almost new, with no visible scratches or marks. The build quality of Tele Vue products is always impressive, and this 6mm Ethos was no exception.

My Tele Vue Ethos eyepieces: 21mm, 13mm, 8mm, and 6mm

Enhancing My Eyepiece Collection

This new eyepiece is a fantastic addition to my existing set. I already own a Tele Vue 5mm Nagler and an 8mm eyepiece. While the 8mm is great for most viewing conditions, the 5mm often struggles with the seeing conditions in Belgium. The 6mm Ethos strikes a perfect balance, offering higher magnification without being as affected by atmospheric turbulence.

My set of eyepieces: Tele Vue 31mm Nagler, 21mm Ethos, 13mm Ethos, 8mm Ethos, 6mm Ethos and 5mm Nagler


The 6mm Tele Vue Ethos eyepiece complements my existing collection. I look forward to many nights of stargazing with this exceptional piece of equipment.

Eyepiece  Magnification  FoV
31mm Nagler  76x  1°04'
21mm Ethos  113x  53'
13mm Ethos  182x  33'
8mm Ethos  296x  20'
6mm Ethos  394x  15'
5mm Nagler  473x  10'


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