Observations on June 11

On June 11, the weather was not so good, but in the evening, the clouds suddenly went away.  As the predictions for the night were good, I took the Obsession outside to do some tests and observations.  

The ServoCAT did follow the objects very good, but the slewing towards new objects was not very accurate...  I will need to do some fine tuning on the azimuth axis.  The encoder of the altitude axis did not change, so I don't suspect that the problem lies there.

I did enjoy some showpiece objects.  The summer constellations were already high enough in the sky to enjoy the view of the Crescent nebula (ngc 6888), the Veil nebula, the Ring nebula (M57), M 13...  I also enjoyed some nice galaxies (like M 82).  The nights are very short this time of the year, so I did not observe for a long time.  The quality of the skies was less than during the previous observing nights.


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