La Palma 2020

I was on a very busy technical mission on La Palma.  Sadly, I could not find a lot of time to do some photography or some observing with the 30cm Dobsonian telescope there.  I could however do some first tests with my new Canon EOS R with 28-70mm f/2 lens.  The results are really amazing.  During a walk to the top of the caldera the first evening, I could see anti-crepuscular rays.  I could also take some picture of the night sky, a some very obvious sky glow and it was clear that Betelgeuse is very dim at this moment.

Orion rising above the Mercator telescope
The Mercator telescope at twilight
Orion rising above the Mercator telescope.
Anti-crepuscular rays above the telescopes

Anti-crepuscular rays above the telescopes


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