Comet Lovejoy, a naked eye object!

After the observation of comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2) last week, the weather stayed very bad and cloudy. Today, it rained the largest part of the day, but in the evening it suddenly became very clear.

So, we went outside to observe the comet. Using the Vixen 20x80 binoculars, it took a short time to find the comet. Lovejoy was visible as a really nice comet in the binoculars: bright, large, with the tail weakly visible in the direction of Taurus.

After the observation with the binoculars, we tried to see the comet with the naked eye. And indeed, Lovejoy was weak, but unmistakably visible with the naked eye.

If you haven't seen comet Lovejoy yet, you should really try to spot this nice comet as you can not see a naked-eye comet every year!

Check my observations of comet Lovejoy in DeepskyLog.

More news on the comet and some finder charts can be found on the website of Sky & Telescope.


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